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訟 : Sue
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Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 言 (149) |
Usage Rating: | 1061 |
Unicode: | 08a1f |
jis208: | 30-57 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
訟 Usage examples
訟務部 | Litigation Department (of the Ministry of Justice) |
訴訟人 | litigant, plaintiff, suitor |
訴訟記録 | record (of legal proceedings in a court) |
医事訴訟 | medical suit |
人事訴訟事件 | litigation related to personal status (e.g. divorce actions, etc.) |
人事訴訟 | litigation related to personal status (e.g. divorce actions, etc.) |
訴訟指揮 | trial management (e.g. by the court) |
人事訴訟手続き法 | Personal Status Actions Procedure Law (e.g. divorce actions, etc.) |
株主代表訴訟 | shareholder lawsuit |
損害賠償訴訟 | damages suit |
著作権侵害訴訟 | copyright infringement suit |
訟務 | litigation |
訴訟係属 訴訟繋属 | pendency, pending legal case, pending litigation, pendente lite |
薬害ヤコブ病訴訟 | Japanese lawsuit involving cases where hospitalized patients contracted Creutzfeld-Jakob disease from infected transplants |