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象 : Elephant
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elephant, pattern after, imitate, image, shape, sign (of the times)
Strokes: | 12 |
Radical: | 豕 (152) |
Usage Rating: | 394 |
Unicode: | 08c61 |
jis208: | 30-61 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
象 Usage examples
穀象虫 | maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais) |
老化現象 | aging process, ageing process |
巨象 | gigantic elephant |
矩象 | quadrature |
象さん | elephant |
象使い | elephant trainer |
象の鼻 | trunk of an elephant |
珍現象 | strange phenomenon |
対象外 | not covered (by), not subject (to) |
異常気象 | abnormal weather |
気象情報 | weather (meteorology) information |
社会現象 | social phenomenon |
抽象化 | abstraction |
抽象名詞 | abstract noun |
物理現象 | physical phenomenon |
物理的現象 | physical phenomenon |
インド象 | Indian elephant (Elephas maximus), Asian elephant |
スプロール現象 | sprawl |
ドーナツ現象 | doughnut phenomenon |
バブル現象 | bubble |
印象派美術 | impressionism |
液状化現象 | liquefaction |
過渡現象 | transient |
海洋気象 | oceanic climate |
界面現象 | interfacial phenomenon, surface phenomenon |
フェーン現象 | hot, dry wind that blows down from a mountain (Foehn phenomenon) |
世界気象機関 | World Meteorological Organization (Organisation), WMO |
四象 | four images, four symbols, four emblems, four phenomena, four phases |
心象風景 | imagined landscape |
随伴現象 | epiphenomenon |
前兆現象 | precursor, premonitory phenomena, telltale signs, advance warnings |
好印象 | good impression, favorable impression |
デリンジャー現象 | Dellinger phenomenon |
ナウマン象 | Palaeoloxodon naumanni (extinct species of elephant) |
小象 | young elephant, baby elephant |
群盲象を撫でる 群盲象を撫ず | the mediocre have no right to criticize the great |
群盲象を評す | the mediocre cannot understand the great |
地象 | terrestrial phenomena (phenomenon) |
印象主義者 | impressionist |
悪印象 | bad impression |
印象深い | deeply impressive, memorable, striking |
椿象 | shield bug, stink bug |
気象予報士 | weather forecaster |
抽象代数学 | abstract algebra, modern algebra |
履歴現象 | hysteresis |
アジア象 | Asian elephant, Indian elephant |
黄砂現象 | yellow sand phenomenon (dust carried on high winds from China) |
具象名詞 | concrete noun |
気象危機 | climate crisis |