腰高障子 | tall-paneled sliding door |
白内障 | cataract (opacity in lens of eye) |
雪見障子 | shoji with glass window behind a sliding bottom half |
障り | hindrance, obstacle, harm, bad effect, sickness |
当たり障りのない 当たり障りの無い 当り障りのない 当り障りの無い | harmless and inoffensive |
障子の腰 | lower part of a shoji (paper sliding-door) |
障子の桟 | frame of a shoji (paper sliding-door) |
身障者 | disabled person, physically handicapped person |
月の障り | menses |
排障器 | obstruction guard |
故障車 | broken-down (disabled) car |
障害者 障がい者 障碍者 障礙者 | (physically) handicapped person, disabled person |
障壁画 | pictures on (room) partitions |
情緒障害 | (suffering) an emotional disturbance |
貿易障壁 | trade barrier |
ガラス障子 | glazed sliding door |
意識障害 | disturbance of consciousness |
医療保障 | medical security |
運動障害 | dyskinesia, motor impairment, motor disturbance |
安全保障会議 | Security Council of Japan |
譲許の保障 | security of (tariff) concessions |
学習障害 | learning disability |
感情障害 | emotional disorder |
軽度認識障害 | mild cognitive impairment, MCI |
行動障害 | behavioral disorder, behavioural disorder |
視覚障害者 | visually impaired person |
社会不安障害 | social-anxiety disorder |
色覚障害 | color-blindness, colour-blindness |
神経障害 | neurological disorder |
摂食障害 | eating disorder |
先天的障害 | birth defect |
双極性障害 | bipolar disorder |
地域安全保障 | regional security |
不安障害 | anxiety disorder |
勃起障害 | erectile dysfunction, ED |
死亡保障 | death benefit (from life insurance) |
知的障害 | mental disability, mental retardation |
知的障害者 | mentally-handicapped person |
知的障害児 | mentally-handicapped child |
障害年金 | disability pension, invalid pension |
心身障害児 | disabled child, physically handicapped child |
心身障害者 | disabled person, physically handicapped person |
身障児 | disabled child, physically handicapped child |
身障児学級 | special class for handicapped children |
言語障害者 | speech-impaired person, person with a speech impediment, mute |
学習障害児 | learning disabled child |
精神障害者 | mentally handicapped person, mentally challenged person |
視力障害 | vision damage, vision impairment, blindness |
視力障害者 | visually handicapped person, visually impaired person, blind person |
社会保障費 | cost of social security, social welfare spending |
注意力欠如障害 | attention-deficit disorder, ADD |
気障り | disagreeable, unpleasant, off-putting, disconcerting |
保障措置 | safeguard |