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乗 : Ride
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ride, power, multiplication, record, counter for vehicles, board, mount, join
の.る -の.り の.せる
Strokes: | 9 |
Radical: | 丿 (4) |
Usage Rating: | 377 |
Unicode: | 04e57 |
jis208: | 30-72 |
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乗 Usage examples
相談に乗る | to give advice, to counsel, to take part in a consultation |
図に乗る | to get carried away, to push a good thing too far |
馬に乗る | to get on a horse, to mount a horse |
風に乗る | to ride upon the winds |
機に乗じる | to take advantage of an opportunity |
気乗りしない | indisposed, halfhearted |
計略に乗る | to fall into a trap |
小乗 | Hinayana (the Lesser Vehicle) |
乗客中の一人 | one of the passengers |
乗客を降ろす | to discharge passengers |
乗客を乗せる | to take passengers on board |
時流に乗って泳ぐ | to swim with the current |
相乗作用 | synergism |
乗りが良い 乗りがよい | easy to get into |
船に乗る | to board a ship |
客室乗務員 | cabin crew |
試乗車 | demonstration model (car) |
小型乗用車 | small (compact) car, minicar |
乗降客 | passengers getting on and off (a train) |
乗船券 | boat ticket, passage ticket |
定期乗車券 | season ticket, commutation (commuter) ticket |
搭乗者 | passenger |
同乗者 | fellow passenger |
尻馬に乗る | to follow suit, to imitate or follow someone blindly |
乗り継ぎ | transit (passenger), connecting (flight) |
乗り乗り | in high spirits |
乗り捨て料金 乗捨料金 | one-way car rental fee |
乗す | to place on (something), to take on board, to give a ride to |
便乗商法 | piggybacking marketing, the method of making sales by jumping on a bandwagon (like that of a boom, popularity, disaster, etc.) |
乗っける | to place on (something) |
身を乗り出す | to bend oneself forward (esp. in curiosity or excitement), to hang out (e.g. over a balcony) |
乗根 | (nth) root |
乗 | multiplication |
手に乗る | to be fooled by something, to be taken in |
乗り間違える | to get on the wrong vehicle (bus, train, etc.) |
波に乗る | to go with the flow, to go with the times |
暗礁に乗り上げる | to be deadlocked, to strike a rock, to be stranded on a reef |
漁船乗組員 | fisherman |
乗っ取り犯人 | hijacker |
乗っ取り事件 | hijacking |
騎乗位 | sexual position where the man lies flat on his back and the woman sits on top, cowgirl position |
乗馬ズボン | jodphurs |
口に乗る | to be taken in, to be made much of |
乗り損ねる 乗りそこねる | to miss getting on (e.g. a plane) |
搭乗手続きカウンター | check-in counter |
軌道に乗せる | to put into orbit, to send into orbit |
軌道に乗る | to enter orbit, to be going to plan |
搭乗手続き | boarding, check-in |
駆け込み乗車 | rushing to get on the train (bus, etc.) before the door closes |