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状 : Status quo
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status quo, conditions, circumstances, form, appearance
Strokes: | 7 |
Radical: | 犭 (94) |
Usage Rating: | 298 |
Unicode: | 072b6 |
jis208: | 30-85 |
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状 Usage examples
性状 | characteristics |
前駆症状 | prodome, premonitory symptom, advance symptom |
譲り状 | deed of transfer |
呼び出し状 | summons |
葡萄状球菌 | staphylococcus |
総状花序 | racemous inflorescence, raceme |
督促状 | demand note, dunning letter (note) |
渦状文 | spiral pattern |
惨状を極める | to present a very terrible (miserable) sight |
糸状虫 | filaria, heartworm |
刺状突起 | prickle (of plants) |
斑状組織 | porphyritic structure |
網状組織 | reticulum, network |
翼状 | wing shape |
液状化 | liquefaction, liquefy |
幻覚症状 | hallucination |
安定状態 | steady state, stable state |
状況意味論 | situation semantics |
定常状態 | steady state |
有限状態文法 | finite-state grammar |
衛生状態 | sanitary conditions |
現状維持 | maintenance of the status quo |
混乱状態 | state of confusion |
心理状態 | state of mind |
精神状態 | mental condition, state of mind, mentality |
静止状態 | (in) a state of rest |
戦争状態 | (enter into, be in) a state of war |
帯状疱疹 | shingles, herpes zoster |
通知状 | notice, letter of advice |
末期症状 | terminal symptoms, sign of the approaching end |
扇状 | fan form (shape) |
ガス状星雲 | gaseous nebula |
羽状複葉 | pinnate compound leaf |
羽状脈 | pinnately venation |
液状化現象 | liquefaction |
海綿状組織 | spongy tissue |
貝殻状割れ口 | conchoidal fracture |
環状星雲 | Ring Nebula |
管状花 | tubular flower |
線状 | linear |
海馬状隆起 | hippocampus |
冠状動脈疾患 | coronary-artery disease |
危篤状態 | critical condition |
国際逮捕状 | international arrest warrant |
財政状態 | financial condition |
植物状態 | vegetative state |
騒乱状態 | state of rebellion |
脱水症状 | dehydration |
無政府状態 | anarchy, state of anarchy |
無法状態 | lawlessness |
本状 | this document, this letter, this writing |
霧状 | spray, mist (not meteorological) |
剣状突起 | xiphoid process, ensiform cartilage |
進捗状況 | state of progress |
虚脱状態 | state of lethargy, absolute bewilderment, daze, mental numbness |
現状打破 | abandonment of the status quo, destroying the status quo, overthrowing the present situation |