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譲 : Defer
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defer, turnover, transfer, convey
Strokes: | 20 |
Radical: | 言 (149) |
Usage Rating: | 984 |
Unicode: | 08b72 |
jis208: | 30-89 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
譲 Usage examples
譲り合い 譲合 | compromises |
譲り状 | deed of transfer |
譲渡人 | transferor, assignor |
譲渡担保 | mortgage |
譲渡所得 | capital gains |
譲渡性預金 | negotiable deposit |
譲葉 交譲木 | false daphne (Daphniphyllum macropodum), yuzuriha |
後日に譲る | to keep (the matter) for another occasion |
席を譲る | to give your seat to someone, to offer your seat |
安く譲る | to sell (a thing) cheap |
株式譲渡 | transfer of stocks |
関税譲許 | tariff binding |
譲許の保障 | security of (tariff) concessions |
譲許表 | schedule of (tariff) concessions |
権限委譲 | delegation of authority (power), devolution, empowerment |
権利譲渡証書 | transfer certificate title (lot ownership certificates), deed of release |
譲受人 譲り受け人 | assignee, grantee, transferee |
営業譲渡 | transfer of business, business transfer |
営業譲渡契約書 | business transfer agreement |
株式譲渡益 | capital gain, profit on stock transfer |