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醸 : Brew
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Strokes: | 20 |
Radical: | 酉 (164) |
Usage Rating: | 1838 |
Unicode: | 091b8 |
jis208: | 30-90 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
醸 Usage examples
醸造家 | brewer |
醸造業 | brewing industry |
醸造酢 | brewed vinegar |
醸母 | leaven, yeast |
物議を醸す | to give rise to hostile comment, to arouse criticism, to provoke, to cause a controversy |
吟醸酒 | type of sake brewed by low temperature fermentation from white rice milled to 60% |
信頼醸成措置 | confidence-building measures, CBM |