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触 : Contact
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contact, touch, feel, hit, proclaim, announce, conflict
ふ.れる さわ.る さわ
Strokes: | 13 |
Radical: | 角 (148) |
Usage Rating: | 904 |
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触 Usage examples
触り | most impressive passage, punch line |
折に触れて 折りに触れて | occasionally, on opportunity |
舌触りが良い 舌触りがよい | soft and pleasant on the tongue |
法に触れる | to violate the law, to have a brush with the law, to have a run-in with the law |
要点に触れる | to come to the point, to touch on the point, to address the main points |
寄ると触ると | whenever they come together |
接触事故 | minor collision, (have) a scrape (with another vehicle), fender bender |
接触伝染 | contagion |
有り触れる 有触れる | to be common |
鎧袖一触 | (beating someone) hands down, with a single blow |
気触れ | crazy about, having an affectation concerning all things surrounding something (esp. a language, a culture, etc.) |
逆鱗に触れる | to infuriate your superior |
耳触り | feeling one gets from listening to something |
歯触り | texture (e.g. chewiness, hardness, crispiness, crunchiness, etc.) of food |
腫れ物に触るように | with great caution, gingerly |