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審 : Hearing
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hearing, judge, trial
つまび.らか つぶさ.に
Strokes: | 15 |
Radical: | 宀 (40) |
Usage Rating: | 412 |
Unicode: | 05be9 |
jis208: | 31-19 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
審 Usage examples
逐条審議 | article-by-article discussion |
米審 | Rice Price Deliberative Council |
国語審議会 | Japanese Language Council |
陪審制度 | jury system |
審級 | instance (e.g. first instance, second instance, etc. in a legal proceeding) |
違憲立法審査権 | judicial review |
公安審査委員会 | Public Security Examination Commission |
検察審査会 | Committee for the Inquest of Prosecution |
司法審査 | judicial review |
政治倫理審査会 | Deliberative Council on Political Ethics |
陪審制 | jury system |
審判長 | head judge |
審判部長 | head judge |
審判委員 | five ringside judges |
時間係審判 | judge timing the matches |
勝負審判 | ringside judge |
勝負審判交替 | change of judges |
横綱審議委員会 | Yokozuna Deliberation Committee, body that recommends promotion of wrestlers to grand champions |
不審者 | suspicious person |
入国審査官 | immigration officer, immigration investigation officials |
挙動不審 | suspicious behavior, acting suspiciously |
不審人物 | suspicious character (person, figure) |
審判官 | administrative law judge, appeal examiner (e.g. in patents) |
政審 | policy deliberation |
政策審議 | policy deliberation |
審議官 | Assistant Vice-Minister, Deputy Director-General, Councillor |
審らか | detailed |
審議入り | initiation of debate (e.g. in parliament) |
継続審査 | carrying over a bill from one Diet session to the next, being deliberated by a committee in the interim |
陪審裁判 | trial by jury, jury trial |
審判の日 | Judgment Day (as described in Christian tradition) |
最後の審判 | Last Judgment (judgment of mankind to take place when the world ends, according to various religious traditions) |