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真 : True
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true, reality, Buddhist sect
さな さね ただ ただし なお のり まあ まこ まさ まっ まど まな まゆ みち も
Strokes: | 10 |
Radical: | 目 (109) |
Usage Rating: | 279 |
Unicode: | 0771f |
jis208: | 31-31 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
真 Usage examples
天体写真 | photograph of an astral body |
立体写真 | stereograph |
真の | true, real, genuine, proper, utter |
真旦 真丹 | (ancient) China |
写真を写す | to photograph, to take a picture |
写真を撮る 写真をとる | to take a picture |
真偽のほど 真偽の程 | whether it is true or not |
真偽を確かめる | to make sure of the truth |
真宗大谷派 | Otani sect of Shinshu |
真書 | square style, another name for "kaisho" |
真実を語る | to speak the truth |
真で書く | to write in the square style |
真の友 | true friend |
真の闇 | pitch-darkness |
真犯人 | the real criminal, true culprit |
ど真ん中 ど真中 土真ん中 | right in the center (centre) |
真夏の暑さ | heat of high summer |
記念写真 | commemorative photograph, souvenir photograph |
オウム真理教 アウム真理教 | Aum Shinrikyo, Japanese religious group responsible for the 1995 sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway |
写真週刊誌 | weekly pictorial magazine |
真実味 | truth (veracity, authenticity) (e.g. of a report) |
真理関数 | truth-function |
真理値 | truth-value |
断層写真 | tomogram, tomograph |
分解写真 | photographic playback |
連続写真 | sequence photographs, serial photographs, photographic strip |
真皮 | true (inner) skin, corium, derma, cutis |
真鶴 真名鶴 | white-naped crane (Grus vipio) |
カラー写真 | color photo, colour photo |
コンポラ写真 | contemporary photograph |
ステレオ写真 | stereo-photography |
ヌード写真 | nude photo |
パノラマ写真 | panoramic photograph |
モンタージュ写真 | montage |
真核細胞 | eukaryotic cell |
デジタル写真 | digital photography, digital picture |
衛星写真 | satellite photograph |
本真 | truth, reality |
真っ白い 真白い | pure white |
真珠腫 | cholesteatoma, pearl tumor, pearl tumour |
真っ黒い | pitch black, deep black |
馬鹿な真似 | tomfoolery, monkey business |
真秀等 | great and splendid land (Yamato word), excellent location, splendid place |
真秀等間 | great and splendid land (Yamato word), excellent location, splendid place |
真秀呂場 | excellent location, splendid place |