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神 : Gods
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gods, mind, soul
かみ かん- こう-
か かぐ かな かも くま こ こは だま み
Strokes: | 9 |
Radical: | 礻 (113) |
Usage Rating: | 347 |
Unicode: | 0795e |
jis208: | 31-32 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
神 Usage examples
生き神 | living god |
生き神様 | living god, saintly person |
敬神 | piety, reverence |
田の神 | deity of rice fields and harvests |
竈神 竃神 | tutelary deities of the hearth |
休神 | peace of mind, relief |
座骨神経 | sciatic nerve |
座骨神経痛 | sciatica |
降神術 | spiritualism |
神と崇める | to deify |
神に仕える | to serve God |
神の愛 | divine love |
神を敬う | to revere God |
神を畏れる | to fear God |
神を尊ぶ | to revere God |
降神 | spiritualism, spiritism |
神戸育ち | raised in Kobe |
神戸っ子 | native of Kobe |
神経核 | neuron |
神経が細かい | having delicate feeling, being sensitive |
神経が細い | oversensitive |
進取の精神 | progressive (enterprising) spirit |
神前に誓う | to pledge before God |
神勅 | oracle |
神祐 神佑 | heavenly protection, divine help |
自由の女神像 | Statue of Liberty |
神宮外苑 | outer gardens of Meiji Shrine |
精神の美 | mental charm, moral beauty |
太陽神経叢 | solar plexus |
団の精神 | esprit de corps, spirit of the corps |
鎮守の神 | local deity, guardian god |
入神の技 | skill of superhuman level |
反骨の精神 叛骨の精神 | backbone, spirit of defiance |
三柱の神 | the three main gods: Amaterasu Omikami, Tsukuyomi no Mikoto and Susano-o no Mikoto, three precious children |
愛の神 | Amor, Eros, Venus, god of love |
開拓者精神 | pioneering spirit |
神学者 | theologian |
神宮球場 | Jingu Stadium |
神経外科 | neurosurgery |
神社仏閣 | (Shinto) shrines and (Buddhist) temples |
神秘性 | mystique |
精神主義 | spiritualism, idealism |
精神状態 | mental condition, state of mind, mentality |
中枢神経系 | central nervous system, CNS |
聴覚神経 | auditory nerve, auditory nerves |
反射神経 | reflexes |
肋間神経痛 | intercostal neuralgia |
鬼子母神 | Hariti (goddess of childbirth and children) |
御神体 ご神体 | shintai, object of worship believed to contain the spirit of a deity, typically housed in a shrine |
ローマ神話 | Roman mythology, Roman myths |
胃腸神経症 | gastrointestinal neurosis |
縁結びの神 | god of marriage, matchmaker |
解放の神学 | liberation theology, theology of liberation |
外傷神経症 | neurosis brought about by external trauma, traumatic neurosis, accident neurosis |