押し進める 推し進める | to press forward |
食が進む | to have a good appetite |
易より難へ進む | to proceed from the easy to the difficult |
上の級に進む | to move up to a higher grade |
軍を進める | to move troops forward |
計画を進める | to carry a plan forward |
工事を進める | to advance construction, to proceed with construction |
進行相 | progressive aspect |
進取の精神 | progressive (enterprising) spirit |
進退窮まる 進退きわまる | to be at a loss, to be in a corner |
上進 | progress, advance |
前進角 | angle of advance |
大学へ進む | to go to university |
長足の進歩 | rapid progress (strides) |
文明が進むに連れて | with the advance of civilization (civilisation) |
歩を進める | to make progress, to step forward |
緩やかに進む | to proceed slowly |
進ぜる | to offer, to present |
進ずる | to offer, to present |
海外進出 | advance (e.g. of Japanese exports) into overseas markets |
緊急発進 | scrambling, scramble |
新進作家 | rising novelist |
進学塾 | cramschool (for boys and girls who wish to go on to the next stage of education) |
分列行進 | marching in file |
ジェット推進船 | jet propulsion ship |
デモ行進 | demonstration parade |
宇宙進化論 | cosmogony |
化学進化 | chemical evolution |
海進 | coastline transgression |
進む | to grow wild, to run to waste |
工業先進国 | industrialized countries, industrialised countries |
赤血球生成促進因子 | erythropoietin, EPO |
進め方 | format, procedure, way of proceeding |
勧進相撲 | fund-raising tournaments of Edo period |
進捗状況 | state of progress |
秒進分歩 | rapid progress, minute-by-minute progress |
挙措進退 | behavior, bearing, demeanor |
進取果敢 | enterprising and daring, boldly forward-looking |
寸進尺退 | one step forward, many steps backward, little to gain and much to lose |
精進潔斎 | purifying oneself (religiously) by abstaining from eating meat |
克己精進 | self-control and close application, self-denial and diligent devotion |
刻苦精進 | being arduous, working diligently enduring hardships, making a strenuous effort |
進退去就 | deciding what to do with oneself, whether staying in the present position or leaving it |
進退問題 | a question of whether or not someone should resign |
進退両難 | being driven to the wall, finding oneself between the devil and the deep blue sea, finding oneself between a rock and a hard place |
推進母体 | nucleus (of a project proposal, of a social movement, etc.) |
勇猛精進 | engage in ascetic practices with dauntless spirit |
進化を遂げる | to make progress, to develop, to evolve (method, style, etc.) |
気が進まない | reluctant to, not inclined to, disinclined, unwilling |
二進一退 | two steps forward, one step back |
分岐進化 | cladogenesis |
向上進化 | anagenesis |
循環型社会形成推進基本法 | Act for Establishing a Recycling-Oriented Society |
ほふく前進 匍匐前進 | crawling along |
大躍進 | significant breakthrough, great strides |