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衛 : Defense
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defense, protection
もり い まもる
Strokes: | 16 |
Radical: | 行 (144) |
Usage Rating: | 400 |
Unicode: | 0885b |
jis208: | 17-50 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
衛 Usage examples
紅衛兵 | (Chinese) Red Guards |
前衛派 | the avant-garde |
食品衛生法 | food hygiene law |
核防衛力 | nuclear defenses, nuclear defences |
護衛を付ける | to provide (a person) with a bodyguard |
陛衛 | Imperial guard |
衛生状態 | sanitary conditions |
自衛手段 | measures to defend oneself (for self-defense) (defence) |
前衛美術 | avant-garde art |
保健衛生 | hygiene, sanitation |
防衛費 | defense costs, defence costs, ERA |
弥次郎兵衛 | balancing toy |
国立予防衛生研究所 | National Institute of Health |
ガリレイ衛星 ガリレオ衛星 | Galilean moons (four moons of Jupiter), Galilean satellites |
キラー衛星 | killer satellite |
スパイ衛星 | reconnaissance satellite |
安全衛生教育 | safety education |
衛星航法 | global positioning |
衛生検査技師 | medical technologist |
科学観測衛星 | scientific research satellite |
海洋監視衛星 | ocean surveillance satellite |
環境衛生 | environmental hygiene |
衛星テレビ放送 | satellite television |
衛星ラジオ | satellite radio |
衛星携帯電話 | satellite-based mobile phone |
衛星写真 | satellite photograph |
衛星電話 | satellite phone |
集団的自衛権 | right to collective defense, right to collective defence |
情報収集衛星 | information-gathering satellite |
戦域ミサイル防衛 | theater missile defense (defence), TMD |
防衛能力 | defense capability, defence capability |
本土ミサイル防衛 | national missile defense (US) (defence), NMD |
田舎っ兵衛 田舎兵衛 | hick, country bumpkin, yokel |
甚兵衛 | informal summer clothes for men (short jacket and trousers) |
前衛芸術 | avant-garde art |
防衛省 | Ministry of Defense (formerly Japan Defense Agency) |
防衛力 | defense capability (defence) |
自衛隊員 | Self-Defense Forces personnel |
前衛的 | avant-garde |
甚兵衛鮫 | whale shark (Rhincodon typus) |
防衛機制 | defense mechanism |
集団的防衛 | collective defense |
防衛策 | defense plan |