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尋 : Inquire
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inquire, fathom, look for
たず.ねる ひろ
Strokes: | 12 |
Radical: | 寸 (41) |
Usage Rating: | 1398 |
Unicode: | 05c0b |
jis208: | 31-50 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
尋 Usage examples
千尋の谷 | bottomless ravine, abyss |
尋ね求める | to seek for |
討尋 | minute investigation, thorough inquiry, thorough enquiry |
再直接尋問 | redirect examination |
直接尋問 | direct examination |
尋 | fathom |
職務尋問 | ex-officio questioning, police questioning (of a suspicious person), a police checkup |
尋常茶飯 | everyday occurrence, commonplace of life, nothing out of the ordinary |