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尽 : Exhaust
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exhaust, use up, run out of, deplete, befriend, serve
つ.くす -つ.くす -づ.くし -つ.く -づ.く -ず.く つ.きる つ.かす さかづき ことごと.く つか つき
Strokes: | 6 |
Radical: | 尸 (44) |
Usage Rating: | 1234 |
Unicode: | 05c3d |
jis208: | 31-52 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
尽 Usage examples
見尽くす | to see everything |
言い尽くす 言尽くす 言い尽す | to tell all, to give a full account |
意地尽く 意地尽 | obstinacy, stubbornness |
極め尽くす | to do thoroughly, to check through and through |
立ち尽くす | to stand stock still |
食い尽くす | to consume |
愛想を尽かす | to be disgusted with, to run out of patience, to fall out of love |
歓を尽くす | to enjoy oneself to the full |
国尽くし | enumeration of the names of countries |
手段を尽くす | to try everything, to leave no stone unturned |
死力を尽くす | to make frantic efforts |
尽忠報国 | loyalty and patriotism |
精が尽きる | to be exhausted |
食べ尽くす | to eat up |
力を尽くす | to exert oneself, to make efforts |
尽きない | everlasting, inexhaustible |
筆舌に尽くしがたい 筆舌に尽くし難い | beyond description |
誠を尽くす | to do with sincerity |
無尽の講 | mutual financing association |
尽くめ | entire, complete, unqualified, without exception |
売り尽くす 売り尽す | to sell out |
尽未来際 | to the end of time, to the crack of doom, for ever and ever |
一夜大尽 | overnight millionaire |
田舎大尽 | provincial (country) millionaire |
大尽振舞 | royal treatment, entertain someone extravagantly |
納得尽く | having consent (e.g. to do something) |
焼き尽す 焼き尽くす | to thoroughly burn, to burn to nothing |
金尽く | using money as a weapon, power of money |
人事を尽くして天命を待つ | Man proposes, God disposes, Man does what man can do then awaits the verdict of heaven or fate |
運の尽き | out of luck |
愛想が尽きる | to be disgusted with, to be fed up with, to run out of patience with |
委曲を尽くす | to explain or describe a situation or matter in greatest details |
刀折れ矢尽きて | having exhausted every available means |
精も根も尽き果てる 精も魂も尽き果てる | to be exhausted (and have no will to go on) |
冥利に尽きる | to get more blessing than one deserves |
冥利が尽きる | to be frowned upon by Fortune |
燃え尽き症候群 | burnout syndrome |