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陣 : Camp
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camp, battle array, ranks, position, sudden, brief time
Strokes: | 10 |
Radical: | 阜 (170) |
Usage Rating: | 828 |
Unicode: | 09663 |
jis208: | 31-56 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
陣 Usage examples
陣皮 | dried citrus peel (esp. of a satsuma mandarin) used as seasoning and in traditional Chinese medicine, chenpi |
陣立て | battle formation |
陣列 | battle formation |
陣取り | taking a place, securing a position |
陣門 | surrender to the enemy |
陣風 | gust, gale |
陣屋 | encampment |
陣笠 | rank and file (of a political party) |
陣幕 | camp enclosure |
陣取る | to encamp, to take up positions |
一陣の風 | gust of wind |
教授陣 | faculty, professorate, group of professors |
陣を敷く | to encamp, to take up a position |
陣を立て直す 陣を立てなおす | to redeploy troops |
陣を張る | to pitch camp, to set up camp |
論陣を張る | to take a firm stand, to argue about |
殺陣師 | sword fight scene choreographer |
先陣争い | competition (rivalry) to first (e.g. rider in a charge) |
捜査陣 | criminal investigation squad (team) |
投手陣 | pitching staff |
陣 | war, battle, campaign, corps |
外陣 | outer sanctum, nave, transept |
背水の陣 | last stand, from strategy of general Han Xin in the Battle of Jingxing |
密集方陣 | phalanx |