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酢 : Vinegar
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vinegar, sour, acid, tart
Strokes: | 12 |
Radical: | 酉 (164) |
Usage Rating: | 1955 |
Unicode: | 09162 |
jis208: | 31-61 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
酢 Usage examples
醸造酢 | brewed vinegar |
酢蛸 | (sliced and) pickled octopus |
酢料理 | pickled dish |
酢味噌 | vinegared miso |
インドール酢酸 | indoleacetic acid |
デヒドロ酢酸 | dehydroacetic acid |
ポリ酢酸ビニル | polyvinyl acetate, PVAC |
バルサミコ酢 | balsamic vinegar |
酢漿草 酢母草 | family crest shaped like creeping woodsorrel |
ポン酢醤油 | ponzu (Japanese sauce made primarily of soy sauce and citrus juice) |
おろしポン酢 | ponzu mixed with grated daikon |
酢橘 | sudachi (species of Japanese citrus, Citrus sudachi) |
香母酢 | kabosu (type of citrus fruit) (Citrus sphaerocarpa) |