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図 : Map
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map, drawing, plan, extraordinary, audacious
Strokes: | 7 |
Radical: | 囗 (31) |
Usage Rating: | 539 |
Unicode: | 056f3 |
jis208: | 31-62 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
図 Usage examples
異図 | treasonable intent |
要図 | outline, rough sketch |
白地図 | outline map, blank map, base map |
染色体地図 | chromosome map |
愚図つく 愚図付く | to rain on and off, to sulk, to complain |
図に当たる | to go as expected |
図に乗る | to get carried away, to push a good thing too far |
安全を図る | to provide for safety |
公益を図る | to labor (labour) for the public good, to work for the public good |
市街図 | city map |
指了図 | end game position |
自殺を図る | to attempt suicide |
図面を引く | to draw a plan |
図を描く | to draw a diagram |
相互理解を図る | to strive for mutual understanding |
畳み地図 | folding map |
透視図 | transparent view, perspective drawing |
便宜を図る | to suit the convenience of, to accommodate |
便を図る | to provide facilities, to administer to the convenience of |
反射係数線図 | reflection coefficient chart |
承認図 | approved plan or drawing |
参考図書 | reference book (work) |
図書費 | book budget |
図像学 | iconography |
製図板 | drafting (draughting, drawing) board |
道路地図 | road (highway) map |
分布図 | distribution map, distribution diagram |
図学 | graphics |
立面図 | elevation (view) |
図像 | simple ink drawing (of a buddha, mandala, etc.) |
円錐図法 | conical projection |
円筒図法 | cylindrical projection |
花式図 | floral diagram |
荷渡指図書 | delivery order |
組織図 | organization chart, organisation chart |
図がない 図が無い | unthinkable, extraordinary, preposterous, cannot be |
世界地図 | world map |
地獄絵図 | painting of a scene in Hell, a picture of Hell |
ベン図 | Venn diagram |
散布図 | scatter diagram, scatterplot, scatter plot, scattergraph, scattergram |
分散図 | dispersion diagram |
推移図 | transition diagram, trend diagram |
国立国会図書館 | National Diet Library |
図画工作 | drawing and manual arts |
図南 | large undertaking attempted in a far-off land |
音図 | phonetic table (esp. that of Japanese) |
隠された意図 | hidden agenda |