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数 : Number
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number, strength, fate, law, figures
スウ ス サク ソク シュ
かず かぞ.える しばしば せ.める わずらわ.しい
Strokes: | 13 |
Radical: | 攴 (66) |
Usage Rating: | 148 |
Unicode: | 06570 |
jis208: | 31-84 |
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数 Usage examples
生計費指数 | cost of living index |
振動数 | frequency |
数え立てる | to enumerate, to count up |
連分数 | continued fraction |
素因数 | prime factor |
底数 | base, radix |
英数国 | English, Mathematics and Japanese |
数を揃える | to make up the number, to have a complete set of |
関数族 | family of functions |
勝敗の数 | issue of the battle |
実数体 | real number field |
実関数 | real variable function |
数珠一連 | a rosary, a string of beads |
純トン数 | net tonnage |
畳数 | number of tatami (mats) |
数価 | valence |
数軒 | several houses |
数字に弱い | not good with figures |
数滴 | several drops |
数年間 | several years |
数百万に及ぶ | to reach (range) into the millions |
数キロの間 | for several kilometers, for several kilometres |
生徒数 | number of pupils |
代数的和 | algebraic sum |
点数を稼ぐ | to score points with (a person) |
手数入り | display of a champion in the ring |
噸数 | tonnage |
頻数 | frequency |
物の数に入らない | off the map, insignificant |
支持力係数 | bearing capacity factor |
せん断弾性係数 剪断弾性係数 | elastic shear modulus |
静止土圧係数 | coefficient of earth pressure at rest |
受働土圧係数 | coefficient of passive earth pressure |
主働土圧係数 | coefficient of active earth pressure |
塑性指数 | plasticity index |
搬送周波数 | carrier frequency |
反転分布係数 | population inversion factor |
反射係数線図 | reflection coefficient chart |
反射係数 | reflection coefficient |
導波管定数 | waveguide constant |
伝達関数 | transfer function |
衝撃関数 | impulse function |
磁気漏れ係数 | dispersion coefficient (magnetic leakage coef.) |
逆転分布係数 | population inversion factor |
サンケア指数 | sun protection index |
関数方程式 | functional equation |
関数論 | theory of functions |
虚数単位 | imaginary unit |
質量数 | mass number |
出席日数 | number of days (times) one has attended |
初等数学 | elementary mathematics |
少数意見 | minority opinion |
少数精鋭 | elect (select) few |
少数派 | minority group (party), minority |
心拍数 | pulse rate |
真理関数 | truth-function |
数値解析 | numerical analysis |
数理哲学 | philosophy of mathematics, mathematical philosophy |