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雛 : Chick
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chick, squab, duckling, doll
Strokes: | 18 |
Radical: | 隹 (172) |
Usage Rating: | 2241 |
Unicode: | 096db |
jis208: | 31-87 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
雛 Usage examples
流し雛 | paper dolls floated downriver on March 3rd |
雛豆 | chickpea (Cicer arietinum), garbanzo bean |
育雛 | brooding |
臥竜鳳雛 | gifted young person who shows much promise, unrecognized genius, great person whose talent is hidden under a bushel |
伏竜鳳雛 | gifted young person who shows much promise, unrecognized genius, great person whose talent is hidden under a bushel |
お雛様 | set of dolls on display |
男雛 雄雛 | Emperor doll (in display with Empress doll) |
女雛 | Empress doll (in display with Emperor doll) |
木目込雛 | kimekomi doll |