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成 : Turn into
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turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach
な.る な.す -な.す
あき あきら しげ そん たえ なお なり なる のり ひら まさ よし り
Strokes: | 6 |
Radical: | 戈 (62) |
Usage Rating: | 116 |
Unicode: | 06210 |
jis208: | 32-14 |
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成 Usage examples
構成分子 | components |
構成員 | members |
成り切る 成りきる | to turn completely into, to become completely |
成り代わる | to do in place of or on behalf of (someone) |
成り変わる | to change, to change into, to become |
織り成す 織成す | to interweave |
綾を成して | in beautiful patterns |
市を成す | to form a crowd, to have a crowd of people |
因を成す | to give rise to, to cause |
円を成す | to form a circle |
群を成して | in crowds, in a group, in swarms |
桂成り | knight promotion |
御成功 ご成功 | your success |
産を成す | to amass a fortune |
財を成す | to build a fortune |
小成に安んじる | to be content with small successes |
畳成語 | reiterative |
成果を収める | to achieve success |
成空 | come to nothingness |
成功の暁には | when one has succeeded |
成功裏 成功裡 | (status of) successful completion, successful outcome, success |
成功を望む | to hope to succeed |
成長を阻む | to hinder the growth of (e.g. plants, someone), to hamper the growth of |
促成栽培の野菜 | forced vegetables |
体を成す | to take form (shape) |
鍛成 | cultivation, training |
成り角 | promoted bishop |
成り駒 | promoted chessman |
名を成す | to become famous, to make a name for oneself |
二成文系 | binary system |
罷り成らぬ | not be allowed, must not |
丸で成ってない | not good at all |
群れを成す | to form groups |
物に成る | to prove successful, to come to good, to take hold |
山成す | to pile up, to form into a (huge) pile |
良い成績を上げる | to achieve satisfactory results |
乱編成ファイル | random file |
成犬 | a mature dog |
構成素構造 | constituent structure |
構成素統御 | constituent command |
変形生成統語論 | transformational generative syntax |
成銀 | promoted silver general |
成桂 | promoted knight |
成香 | promoted lance |
変成器 | (impedance) transformer |
化学合成 | chemosynthesis |
家族構成 | family structure |
核分裂生成物 | fission product |
学業成績 | school record, scholastic performance |
既成概念 | stereotype, preconceived idea, preconceived notion |
興行成績 | box-office record |
形成期 | formative period (e.g. of nation), formative year |
構成主義 | constructivism |
構成比 | component distribution ratio (statistics), component ratio, proportion |
合成音 | synthetic sound |
人格形成 | character building, formation of character, personality development |