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政 : Politics
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politics, government
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Usage Rating: | 17 |
Unicode: | 0653f |
jis208: | 32-15 |
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政 Usage examples
経済政策 | economic policy |
立憲君主政体 | constitutional monarchy |
立憲政治 | constitutional government |
林政 | forest management |
寡頭政治 | oligarchy |
共和政 | republicanism |
区の財政 | ward finances |
国政を司る | to administer the affairs of state |
政界の嵐 | political storm |
政権争い | political power struggle |
政治色 | political coloring, political colouring |
政争の渦 | whirlpool of political strife |
善隣政策 | Good Neighbor Policy |
対外政策に沿って | in line with the foreign policy |
東京都政 | government of Tokyo Metropolis |
政を執る | to administer the affairs of state |
老政治家 | venerable statesman |
地方行財政 | local economy, local financial affairs |
政労 | government-labour (e.g. liaison meeting), government-labor |
悪徳政治家 | corrupt politician |
行政学 | public administration |
行政管理庁 | Administrative Management Agency |
行政指導 | administrative guidance |
行政書士 | administrative scrivener, notary public, paralegal qualified to prepare legal documents on administrative matters, e.g. immigration |
国際政治 | international politics, world politics |
鎖国政策 | (national) isolationism, isolation policy |
衆愚政治 | mobocracy, mob rule, ochlocracy |
政権党 | political party in power |
政治哲学 | political philosophy |
政治道徳 | political morality |
政治評論家 | political commentator (journalist, columnist) |
政治問題 | political issue (problem) |
政府機関 | government body, government agency |
政府米 | government-controlled rice |
連邦政府 | federal government (e.g. USA, Australia, Mexico, Germany, Canada) |
連立政権 | coalition government |
労政 | labor administration, labour administration |
インフレ政策 | inflationary policy |
移民政策 | immigration policy |
階級政党 | class party |
割引政策 | discount policy |
郵政事業庁 | Postal Services Agency |
テレビ政治 | telepolitics |
汚職政治家 | corrupt politician |
外交政策 | foreign policy |
環境政策 | environmental policy |
緊縮政策 | austerity plan, austerity program, austerity programme |
軍事独裁政権 | military dictatorship |
権威主義政府 | authoritarian government |
呼び水式経済政策 | pump priming |
合法政府 | legitimate government |
財政構造 | fiscal structure |
財政黒字 | budget surplus |
財政再建 | finance reform, fiscal reconstruction |
財政支出 | government spending |
財政状態 | financial condition |
財政赤字 | budget deficit |
施政方針演説 | policy speech |