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整 : Organize
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organize, arranging, tune, tone, meter, key (music)
ととの.える ととの.う
Strokes: | 16 |
Radical: | 攴 (66) |
Usage Rating: | 478 |
Unicode: | 06574 |
jis208: | 32-16 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
整 Usage examples
玉整理 | liquidation of speculative accounts |
整経機 | warping machine |
調子を整える | to put in tune |
整った | well-ordered, in good order, well-featured, well-regulated |
インピーダンス整合 | impedance matching |
統語的な整合性 | well-formedness |
在庫調整 | inventory (stock) adjustment |
整骨師 | osteopath |
整数比 | (expressed as) the ratios of whole numbers |
整数論 | theory of numbers, number theory |
整髪剤 | hair styling product (oil, etc.), hairdressing |
整髪料 | hairdressing fee, charge for a haircut |
整備工 | (car) mechanic |
整備工場 | repair shop, garage |
公害等調整委員会 | Environmental Dispute Coordination Commission |
整体 | seitai, manipulative therapy based on Chinese and Japanese traditions, and encompassing osteopathy, massage and chiropractic |
整体療法 | chiropractic treatment |
季節調整 | seasonal adjustment |
雇用調整 | employment adjustment |
整理統合 | consolidation |
美容整形手術 | cosmetic surgery |
財政調整基金 | financial adjustment monies, public finance adjustment reserve funds stipulated in the Local Finance Act |
整形美人 | a plastic-surgery beauty |
整理整頓 | keeping things tidy and in order |
整理淘汰 | reorganize an enterprise and weed out redundant workers, reorganize an industry and weed out redudant enterprises |
秩序整然 | in good (perfect) order, in apple-pie order |
廃合整理 | reorganization, restructuring |
調整値 | adjusted value, adjusted price |
整序問題 | question based on rearranging (words) into the correct order |
環境整備 | environmental maintenance, environmental improvement |
整理ダンス 整理箪笥 | bureau, chest of drawers, cabinet |