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製 : Made in...
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Some information on this page provided by EDICT
製 Usage examples
製織 | weaving |
製作所 | works, factory, plant |
製材業 | lumbering (sawing) industry |
製袋 | bag manufacturing |
製氷皿 | ice tray, ice-cube tray |
製麻 | flax (hemp) spinning, hemp dressing |
並製品 | article of average quality, common article |
毛製品 | woollen goods |
籐製 | rattan |
自社製品 | in-house manufactured goods |
革製品 | leather goods (products) |
官製葉書 | official (government) postcard, postal card |
工業製品 | industrial goods |
私製葉書 私製はがき 私製ハガキ | unofficial postcard, private mailing card |
紙製品 | paper products |
製作費 | manufacturing cost, production cost |
製紙工場 | paper mill (factory) |
製図板 | drafting (draughting, drawing) board |
製造工程 | manufacturing process |
製造所 | factory, manufactory, works, mill |
製造年月日 | date of manufacture |
製本屋 | bookbinder |
製薬会社 | pharmaceutical (drug) company |
電化製品 | electrical appliances, electric appliances |
特製品 | specially made article |
複製品 | copy, reproduction, replica, facsimile |
製麺 | noodle making |
乾式製錬 | fire refining |
複合抗生物質製剤 | mixed antibiotic preparations |
血液製剤 | blood products |
製造物責任 | product liability |
製造物責任法 | product liability law |
製品回収 | recall (of goods), product recall |
石油精製 | oil refining |
複製防止技術 | anticopying technology |
製する | to make (something) |
製販 | vertical integration |
製造販売 | vertical integration |
製販同盟 | producer-retailer alliance |
製番 | product number |
製薬業界 | pharmaceutical industry |
革製バッグ | leather bag, leather handbag |
官製談合 | collusive bidding at the initiative of government agencies |
布製 | made of cloth |
非加熱血液製剤 | untreated (unheated) blood products |
家電製品 | consumer electronics, home appliances |
編製 | establishing (a new family register), compiling (an electoral register, a list of school-age children, etc.) |
石油製品 | petroleum products, petrochemical products |
極製 | finest quality, specially made |