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西 : West
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west, Spain
いり ひし むら
Strokes: | 6 |
Radical: | 襾 (146) |
Usage Rating: | 259 |
Unicode: | 0897f |
jis208: | 32-30 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
西 Usage examples
関西馬 | Kansai horse |
西郊 | western suburb |
西南の役 | the Satsuma Rebellion |
西洋碁 | checkers |
西洋将棋 | chess |
大西郷 | the Great Saigo |
西回り | west circuit |
日西辞典 | Japanese-Spanish dictionary |
橋の西詰め | western edge of a bridge |
洋の東西を問わず | in all parts of the world, in all countries, anywhere in the world, both in the Occident and the Orient |
西欧諸国 | West European countries |
西欧文明 | Western civilization, Western civilisation |
西側諸国 | Western countries, (former) Western Bloc countries |
西洋史 | history of the Western world |
西洋文明 | Western civilization, Western civilisation |
西和 | Spanish-Japanese |
和西 | Japanese-Spanish |
西語 | Spanish (language) |
西戎 | barbarians to the west (from Chinese) |
西表山猫 | Iriomote wildcat (Prionailurus bengalensis iriomotensis) |
西下 | going west, leaving for the west |
東夷西戎 | barbarians to the east and to the west (from the perspective of old China) |
東西古今 | all times and places, everywhen and everywhere |
西洋すぐり 西洋酸塊 | (European) gooseberry (Ribes uva-crispa) |
西洋榛 | Eurasian hazel (Corylus avellana) |
西洋崇拝主義 | worship or admiration of Western cultures |
西端 | western edge (e.g. of city), west side |
西ナイル熱 | West Nile fever |
西も東も分からない | not familiar with the area, not knowing what to do |
日西 | Japanese-Spanish (gen. for translations and dictionaries), Japan-Spain (e.g. intercountry trade and relations) |
西日 | Spanish-Japanese (gen. for translations and dictionaries) |
南西諸島 | Nansei Islands, Ryukyu Islands, chain of islands extending from southwestern Kyushu to northern Taiwan |