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税 : Tax
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Strokes: | 12 |
Radical: | 禾 (115) |
Usage Rating: | 289 |
Unicode: | 07a0e |
jis208: | 32-39 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
税 Usage examples
流通税 | circulation tax |
県税 | prefectural tax |
税金を掛ける 税金をかける | to place a tax on |
税調 | tax system research commission, tax system research council, select committee on the taxation system, tax commission |
税を納める | to pay a tax |
増税案 | tax increase proposal |
畜犬税 | dog tax |
入港税 | port dues (fees) |
府税 | urban prefectural tax |
課税率 | tax rate |
税関申告書 | customs declaration |
納税通知書 | tax notice |
税収入 | tax revenue, tax revenues |
ダンピング関税 | anti-dumping duties |
一般消費税 | general consumption tax |
課税標準 | base of taxation |
外国税額控除 | foreign tax amount reduction |
関税譲許 | tariff binding |
繰延税金資産 | deferred tax asset, DTA |
軽自動車税 | light vehicle tax |
自動車重量税 | automobile weight tax |
税引き前収益 | pretax profit |
税引き前損失 | pretax loss |
税金還付 | tax refund |
税支払い免除 | tax relief |
税制中立 | revenue neutrality |
税制優遇措置 | tax break |
税務調査 | tax inquiry, tax enquiry, tax investigation |
地方税法 | Local Tax Law |
追徴課税 | additional tax |
電子納税申告 | electronic tax filing |
納税義務 | tax liability |
売上税 売り上げ税 | sales tax |
税込価格 | post-tax price, price including tax, tax-included price |
実行関税率表 | customs tariff schedules of Japan |
税金泥棒 | tax parasite, public servants, politicians |
税制度 | tax system |
税 | tax |
所得税法 | Income Tax Law |
目的税 | earmarked tax, special-purpose tax |
税抜き 税抜 | tax excluded, excluding tax |
関税局 | customs office |
納税証明書 | tax payment certification, certificate of tax payment |
炭素税 | carbon tax |
納税申告書 | income tax return certificate, tax return certificate |
営業免許税 | occupational tax |
課税価額 | taxable amount |
実効税率 | effective tax rate |
揮発油税 | gasoline tax, gasoline excise |
航空機燃料税 | aviation fuel tax |
納税義務者 | taxpayer |
課税証明書 | tax declaration certificate |
一般税率 | general tariff |
一般特恵関税 | general preferential duties, general preferential taxes |
印紙税法 | stamp duty law |
一本建税率 一本建て税率 | single-rate tariff (system) |