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越 : Surpass
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surpass, cross over, move to, exceed, Vietnam
こ.す -こ.す -ご.し こ.える -ご.え
えち えっ お こえ こし ごえ ごし ごや
Strokes: | 12 |
Radical: | 走 (156) |
Usage Rating: | 897 |
Unicode: | 08d8a |
jis208: | 17-59 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
越 Usage examples
踏み越える | to step over or across, to overcome |
罷り越す | to visit, to call on |
差し越える | to go out of turn, to butt in |
差し越す | to go out of turn, to send |
越訴 | appeal made directly to a senior official without going through formalities |
越年草本 | biennial herb |
越天楽 | Etenraku (Japanese court music composition) |
垣根越しに見る | to look over the fence |
川を越える | to cross a river |
先を越す | to take the initiative, to forestall, to beat to the punch |
中越紛争 | dispute between China and Vietnam |
峠を越える | to cross a pass |
法を越える | to violate the laws of nature, to overstep the bounds of moderation |
反越 | anti-Vietnam |
山を越す | to surmount a difficulty, to go across a mountain |
越冬隊 | wintering party (team) |
過越の祭 過越祭 過ぎ越しの祭 過越しの祭 | Passover |
お越し 御越し | coming, going |
僭上越権 | acting ultra vires |
喉越しの良い 喉越しのよい | going down smoothly, tasting good going down |
度を越した | extravagant, extreme, hyper |
一山越す | to go over the hump, to get successfully through the bulk of the work |
越光 | Koshihikari (variety of rice) |
頭越し | ignoring, bypassing, doing something without consultation |
国境越え | cross-border |
檀越 | alms-giver, person who donates to a monk or a temple, dana-pati |