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積 : Volume
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volume, product (x*y), acreage, contents, pile up, stack, load, amass
つ.む -づ.み つ.もる つ.もり
か さか しゃこ ずみ つみ
Strokes: | 16 |
Radical: | 禾 (115) |
Usage Rating: | 541 |
Unicode: | 07a4d |
jis208: | 32-49 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
積 Usage examples
積み直す 積みなおす | to reload |
積み残す | to leave off cargo |
積み替える 積み換える 積替える 積換える | to transship |
積みすぎる 積み過ぎる | to overload |
降り積もる 降積もる | to fall and pile up (e.g. snow), to lie thick |
汽船積み | shipment by steamer |
積算法 | integration |
沖積統 | alluvial series |
容積比 | volume ratio |
単位体積重量 | unit weight |
積載能力 | carrying (loading) capacity (power) |
積分方程式 | integral equation |
積分法 | integration |
翼面積 | wing area |
積み出し | shipment, forwarding |
積層 | laminating, lamination layer |
モル体積 | molar volume |
延床面積 | total floor space |
個人退職金積立計画 | retirement plan |
累積投票 | cumulative voting |
累積損失 | accumulated loss |
論理積 | logical product, AND operation, conjunction, intersection |
外積 | cross product, vector product, outer product |
ベクトル積 | cross product, vector product, outer product |
積極果敢 | aggressive, active and bold (daring), resolute determination |
積極財政 | expansionary fiscal policy |
難問山積 | mountain (pile) of difficult problems |
見積り価格 見積価格 | quote, estimated price |
求積法 | stereometry |
累積債務 | cumulative debt, debt accumulation |