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切 : Cut
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cut, cutoff, be sharp
き.る -き.る き.り -き.り -ぎ.り き.れる -き.れる き.れ -き.れ -ぎ.れ
きつ きり ぎり
Strokes: | 4 |
Radical: | 刂 (18) |
Usage Rating: | 324 |
Unicode: | 05207 |
jis208: | 32-58 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
切 Usage examples
滅多切り メッタ切り めった切り | hacking to pieces |
角切り | cut into cubes |
風切り羽 風切羽 | flight feathers |
間切る | to plow through (a wave) (plough), to tack (against the wind) |
見切る | to sell at a loss, to sell off |
切り合う | to fight with swords, to cross swords |
切り返す 切返す | to perform a twisting backward knee trip, to counterattack, to retort |
切り苛む | to cut to pieces, to torment |
詰め切る 詰切る | to be or remain always on hand |
売り切る 売切る | to sell out, to sell off |
成り切る | to turn completely into, to become completely |
疲れ切る | to be exhausted, to be tired out |
出し切る | to use up |
逃げ切る | to get away, to manage to hold on |
息急き切る 息せき切る | to pant, to gasp |
貸し切る | to reserve, to charter |
掻き切る かき切る | to cut, to slit |
立て切る | to close tight |
食い切る 食切る | to eat up, to consume entirely |
板切れ | scrap lumber, piece of wood |
縁を切る | to get a divorce, to sever connections |
角に切る | to cut into squares (cubes) |
切手集め | stamp collecting |
切手を溜める | to collect stamps |
切符を改める | to examine tickets |
切符を切る | to rip off a coupon, to punch a ticket |
切りかかる 切り掛かる 切掛かる 切り掛る 切掛る | to assault with a sword, to stab at, to slash at |
切妻 切り妻 | gabled roof, building with a gabled roof, gabled roof construction |
切れが悪い | thick, dull (blunt), viscous |
切れの帽子 | cloth hat |
句を切る | to punctuate a sentence |
高野切れ | fragments from the old literary work kept at Koyasan |
締め切り日 締切日 〆切日 乄切日 | time limit, closing day, deadline |
使用済み切手 | used stamps |
澄み切った | perfectly clear |
切に勧める | to urge strongly |
切入 | OFF-ON (marking on switches) |
共切れ | same cloth, spare cloth (e.g. for patching) |