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設 : Establishment
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establishment, provision, prepare
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 言 (149) |
Usage Rating: | 145 |
Unicode: | 08a2d |
jis208: | 32-63 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
設 Usage examples
厚生施設 | welfare facilities |
思い設ける | to anticipate, to expect |
席を設ける | to give a banquet |
空調設備 | air conditioner |
建設機械 | construction machinery |
建設工事 | construction work |
建設費 | construction (building) costs |
娯楽施設 | amusement (recreational) facilities |
私設応援団 | private cheer group |
宿泊設備 | accommodation |
生活設計 | life planning |
設計変更 | design change, engineering change |
設備費 | cost of equipment |
設立趣意書 | prospectus |
道路建設 | road construction |
特設会場 | site (e.g. room, building) especially prepared for a meeting (event, etc.) |
保安設備 | safety devices, security provisions |
海底電線敷設船 | cable layer |
建設国債 | construction debt |
公設秘書 | government-paid secretary |
更正施設 | correctional facility |
私設秘書 | private secretary |
生産設備 | plant and equipment, production facilities, manufacturing equipment |
設備過剰 | overcapacity |
保育施設 | child-rearing facility |
油田掘削施設 | oil rig |
環境設定 | configuration (e.g. of a computer or file), user preferences, system environment, environment setting |
託児施設 | child-minding facility |
杭打設 | pile-driving |
育児施設 | child care facilities |
建設労働者 | construction worker |
老人保健施設 | rehabilitation facility for the elderly |
老健施設 | rehabilitation facility for the elderly |
建設業者 | general (civil engineering and construction) contractor |
設計書 | design specifications |
施設庁 | facilities administration organization (defence, etc.) |
仮設トイレ | portable toilet, portaloo, temporary toilet |
抵当権設定者 | mortgage debtor, mortgager, mortgagor |
冷房設備 | cooling facilities, air-conditioning facilities |
建設中 | under construction |
設定可能 | configurable |
新設校 | newly established school |
文化施設 | cultural facilities (art galleries, tea rooms, etc.) |
建設業界 | (world of the) construction industry |
核施設 | nuclear facility |