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節 : Node
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node, season, period, occasion, verse, clause, stanza, honor, joint, knuckle, knob, knot, tune, melody
ふし -ぶし のっと
Strokes: | 13 |
Radical: | 竹 (118) |
Usage Rating: | 934 |
Unicode: | 07bc0 |
jis208: | 32-65 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
節 Usage examples
なまり節 生り節 生節 | boiled and half-dried bonito |
リンパ節 淋巴節 | lymph node |
楽節 | musical passage or section |
節くれだつ 節くれ立つ 節榑立つ | to be rough and bony (hands, fingers, etc.), to be gnarled, to be knobby |
折り節 折節 | occasionally, at times, the season, from time to time |
主節 | principal clause |
時節柄の贈り物 | seasonable gift |
従節 | subordinate clause |
節足動物門 | Arthropoda |
節炭器 | coal (fuel) economizer, coal economiser |
節を曲げない | remaining firm, not budging an inch |
多音節 | polysyllable |
竹の節 | node (joint) of a bamboo |
単節 | simple link |
一節歌う | to sing a tune |
前の節 | former section (stanza) |
音節主音 | syllabic |
音節主音的子音 | syllabic consonant |
葉節点 | leafnodes |
温度調節 | temperature control |
経費節約 | curtailment of expenditure, financial retrenchment |
リンパ節炎 | lymphadenitis |
リンパ節腫瘍 | lymphoma |
音節文字 | syllabic character |
外交使節 | diplomat |
顎関節 | jaw joint, temporomandibular joint, TMJ |
鰹節虫 | dermestid beetle |
季節調整 | seasonal adjustment |
骨関節症 | osteoarthritis |
小節 | unit of timber measurement |
体温調節 | thermoregulation (of the body) |
節会相撲 | sumo performed at ancient Japanese imperial court |
名詞節 | noun clause, nominal clause |
時節到来 | The time has come (for, to, when...), The time being ripe (for) |
時世時節 | times and situations, the course of events of the times |
浪花節的 | of the old feeling of naniwa-bushi, marked by the dual themes of obligation and compassion that distinguish the naniwa-bushi ballads |
その節 其の節 | at that time, that time |
節目節目 | each juncture, each turning point |
思い当たる節がある | to have something (likely) come to mind |
時間節約 | time preservation, saving time |
衣食足りて礼節を知る | only when basic needs for living are met can people spare the effort to be polite |
開音節 | open syllable |
春節 | Lunar New Year, Chinese New Year, Spring Festival |