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専 : Specialty
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specialty, exclusive, mainly, solely
Strokes: | 9 |
Radical: | 寸 (41) |
Usage Rating: | 506 |
Unicode: | 05c02 |
jis208: | 32-76 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
専 Usage examples
専従者 | full-time worker |
専門職 | professional job, profession |
工業高等専門学校 | technical junior college |
専攻科 | non-degree course for graduates |
専任講師 | full-time lecturer, instructor |
専門科目 | special (specialized, specialised) subject |
専門雑誌 | technical journal (periodical, magazine) |
専門的知識 | expert (technical) knowledge, expertise |
専用線 | exclusive line (communications), dedicated line |
環境問題専門家 | environmentalist |
専門誌 | specialist journal, specialized magazine, specialised magazine |
女子専用 | for the use of women only |
専業主夫 | full-time house-husband, stay-at-home dad |
専心一意 | single-mindedly, wholeheartedly |
専断横行 | prevalence of arbitrariness |
専門馬鹿 | person who is ignorant outside his field |
専修念仏 | intently praying to Buddha (esp. Amitabha) |
ガリ専 | person physically attracted to thin people |
外専 | person who dates only foreigners |
専門性 | specialization, specialty, speciality, expertise |
でぶ専 デブ専 | chubby-chasing (fat fetishism), chubby-chaser |
B専 ビー専 | attraction to ugly people |
ブス専 | attraction to ugly people |
専門家グループ | group of specialists, group of experts |
バス専用レーン | bus lane (of a highway) |