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円 : Circle
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circle, yen, round
まる.い まる まど まど.か まろ.やか
つぶら のぶ まどか みつ
Strokes: | 4 |
Radical: | 冂 (13) |
Usage Rating: | 69 |
Unicode: | 05186 |
jis208: | 17-63 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
円 Usage examples
円熟した | mellow, mature, fully developed, ripe |
円の騰貴 | rise of the yen |
円を描く | to make a circle (e.g. draw, paint, describe, walk, drive, etc.) |
円を成す | to form a circle |
関東一円 | whole district of Kanto |
円で囲む | to enclose (a word) with a circle |
円屋根 | dome, vaulted roof, cupola |
円環体 | solid torus |
円形脱毛症 | alopecia areata |
円錐振子 | conical pendulum |
円錐図法 | conical projection |
円筒図法 | cylindrical projection |
円偏光 | circular polarization of light, circular polarisation of light |
回転楕円体 | spheroid |
円建て外債 | yen-denominated foreign bond, samurai bond, bond denominated in yen issued by a non-Japanese issuer |
ユーロ円債 | Euro-yen bond |
円滑洒脱 | being smooth, free and easy, refined and unconventional |
円満解決 | amicable settlement, settling the case leaving no parties dissatisfied |
円満具足 | (things) being complete, tranquil, and in harmony |
円形交差点 | roundabout, traffic circle, rotary |
円満退職 | amicable resignation (retirement) |
家庭円満 | family happiness, household harmony |
知徳円満 | having both (wide) knowledge and (high) virtue |
福徳円満 | being perfectly happy and prosperous, wealth and happiness |
夫婦円満 | matrimonial happiness, happy marriage |
円関数 | circular function, trigonometric function |
楕円関数 だ円関数 | elliptic function |
超楕円関数 | hyperelliptic function |
日本円 | Japanese yen |
100円ショップ | hundred-yen store |
円文 | round design |
八方円満 | to the satisfaction of all parties, all sides being happy and satisfied |
一万円 壱万円 1万円 | 10,000 yen |
円高ドル安 | appreciation of the yen against the (American) dollar |
円安ドル高 | depreciation of the yen against the (American) dollar |
卵円窓 | fenestra ovalis (of the ear) |
正円窓 | fenestra rotunda (of the ear) |