汽船積み | shipment by steamer |
軌道船 | orbiter |
船に乗る | to board a ship |
船の腹 | belly of a boat |
満艦飾の船 | full-dress ship |
海賊船 | pirate ship |
原子力船 | nuclear(-powered) ship (vessel) |
護送船団 | (armed) convoy |
豪華船 | luxury liner |
乗船券 | boat ticket, passage ticket |
新造船 | new (newly-built) ship (boat) |
密輸船 | smuggler |
工船 | factory boat (ship), floating cannery |
川船 河船 | riverboat, rivercraft |
船会社 | steamship (shipping) company |
独航船 | independent fishing boat |
カタマラン船 | catamaran ship |
コンテナ船 | container ship |
ゴム風船 | rubber balloon |
サルベージ船 | salvage boat |
ジェット推進船 | jet propulsion ship |
スクリュープロペラ船 | screw ship |
ツェッペリン飛行船 | Zeppelin airship |
トロール船 | trawler |
プロペラ船 | air propeller boat |
葦船 | papyrus boat |
宇宙船地球号 | Spaceship Earth |
海底電線敷設船 | cable layer |
海洋調査船 | ocean investigation ship |
外航船 | ocean-going ship |
外車船 | paddle steamer |
船員労働委員会 | Labour Relations Commission for Seafarers |
旅客船 | passenger ship |
船内 | on-board ship, inboard |
紙風船 | paper balloon |
船饅頭 | low-grade prostitute, prostitute working from boats on the Sumida River |
船上 | on board |
盥船 | tub boat, traditional round coracle-like boat |
べか船 | small sailing boat used for collecting nori, etc. |
船外 | outboard, extra-vehicular |
泥船 | (fictional) boat made of (dried) mud |
貿易船 | trading vessel |
漁船員 | fisherman |
漁船乗組員 | fisherman |
籍船 | ship registry |
船形 | navicular, boat-shaped |
北前船 | cargo ships that sailed the Japan Sea during the Edo period |
渡りに船 | windfall, godsend (like a finding a ship when one needs to cross) |
ラッシュ船 | lighter aboard ship |