選ばれる | to be elected |
上手に選ぶ | to make a good choice |
選挙に出る | to run for election |
選挙を控えて | with the election around the corner |
選対本部 | election headquarters |
選に入る | to be selected, to be chosen |
多肢選択式 | multiple-choice |
都議選 | Tokyo Assembly elections |
控え選手 | substitute player, reserve |
名作選 | selection of masterpieces |
良い日を選ぶ | to choose a lucky (auspicious) day |
参院選 | House of Councillors election, upper house election |
競輪選手 | (professional) keirin cyclist |
公職選挙法 | Public Office Election Law |
市長選挙 | mayoral election |
世界選手権 | world (an international) championship (title) |
選挙公報 | official gazette for elections |
選挙民 | voters, electorate |
選考委員会 | selection committee, screening committee, nomination committee |
選考基準 | criterion (criteria) for selection |
選手権試合 | title match, championship bout |
選手権大会 | championship series |
特選品 | choice goods |
野球選手 | baseball player, ballplayer |
予選通過者 | qualifier |
落選者 | unsuccessful candidate |
決選 | final election, run-off |
小選挙区 | small electoral district, single-member constituency |
選 | selection, choice, choosing, picking, election |
好選手 | strong or skillful person, good player |
オープン選手権 | open competition |
クローン選択説 | clonal selection theory |
参議院選挙 | House of Councillors election |
市長村長選挙 | mayoral election |
市長町長選挙 | mayoral election |
自由契約選手 | free agent |
選挙ポスター | campaign poster |
選挙運動資金 | campaign fund |
選挙集会 | campaign rally |
選挙人登録 | voter registration |
選択的セロトニン再取り込み阻害薬 | selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, SSRI |
選び方 | choice |
州議会選挙 | state or provincial election |
州議選 | state or provincial election |
選りすぐる | to choose the best |
選民意識 | sense of being the chosen people |
当選圏内 | (having a) good chance of being elected (winning) (in an election) |
本選挙 | original selection |
選時 | election time, election period |
期差選任 | staggered terms (applied to corporate directors as a defensive measure against hostile takeovers) |
総裁選 | presidential election |
補選 | bye-election, by-election |
当選確実 | projected to win, sure to be elected, home free |
小選挙区比例代表並立制 | electoral system comprised of single-seat constituencies and proportionally represented multiple-seat constituencies |
首相公選制 | system allowing for election of the prime minister by popular vote |
選挙人名簿 | voter registration list, electoral register |
永久選挙人名簿 | permanent voter registration list |