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銭 : Coin
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Strokes: | 14 |
Radical: | 金 (167) |
Usage Rating: | 1008 |
Unicode: | 092ad |
jis208: | 33-12 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
銭 Usage examples
煙草銭 | tobacco money |
銭葵 | common mallow (Malva sylvestris var. mauritiana) |
穴あき銭 穴開き銭 穴明き銭 | perforated coin |
金銭に細かい | skimpy about money |
小銭入れ | change purse |
銭入れ | till, purse, handbag |
銭の取れる | to be worth the money |
懐銭 | pocket money |
一銭 | one-hundredth of a yen, small amount of money |
金銭感覚 | sense for (how to use) money, money sense |
金銭問題 | money matter, question of money, money trouble |
悪銭身に付かず 悪銭身につかず | Easy come, easy go, Lightly comes, lightly goes, Soon gotten soon spent |
安物買いの銭失い | you get what you pay for, penny wise and pound foolish |