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前 : In front
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in front, before
さき さと まい
Strokes: | 9 |
Radical: | 刂 (18) |
Usage Rating: | 27 |
Unicode: | 0524d |
jis208: | 33-16 |
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前 Usage examples
前世紀の遺物 | extremely outmoded |
前付け | preliminaries |
前立腺肥大症 | enlargement of the prostate |
前立腺炎 | inflammation of the prostate |
前身頃 | front (of a piece of traditional Japanese clothing) |
前相撲 | preliminary bouts with unranked wrestlers, unranked wrestlers |
前倒し | acceleration (of payment schedule) |
前途遼遠 | goal, destination |
前駆症状 | prodome, premonitory symptom, advance symptom |
前輪駆動 | front-wheel drive |
前衛派 | the avant-garde |
食前酒 | aperitif |
風前 | where the wind blows |
風前の灯 風前のともし火 風前のともしび 風前の灯火 | precarious situation, precarious state |
庭前 | garden |
前傾 | forward inclination (tilt) |
御前を退く ご前を退く | to withdraw from the presence (of the Emperor) |
神前に誓う | to pledge before God |
前車輪 | front wheel |
前進角 | angle of advance |
前大統領 | former president |
前例に倣う | to follow (copy after) a precedent |
前の節 | former section (stanza) |
松前漬け | Matsumae pickles |
駅前広場 | station square (plaza) |
婚前交渉 | premarital sexual relations (intercourse) |
前衛美術 | avant-garde art |
前期試験 | midyear examinations |
前傾姿勢 | forward-bent posture |
お手前 お点前 御手前 | etiquette of tea-ceremony, dexterity, artistry, ingenuity |
車前草 車前 | plantain (esp. Asian plantain, Plantago asiatica) |
前宣伝 | advance publicity |
前轍 | wheel tracks left by vehicles that have passed before |
火山前線 | volcanic front |
乾燥性前鼻炎 | rhinitis sicca anterior |
寒帯前線 | polar front |
寒帯前線ジェット気流 | polar front jet stream |
筑前煮 | chicken stew with taro, carrot, burdock, etc. |
税引き前収益 | pretax profit |
税引き前損失 | pretax loss |
前がん病変 | precancerous lesion |
前線部隊 | frontline troops |