安全を図る | to provide for safety |
個と全 | individual and the whole |
全権を委ねる | to entrust (a person) with power of attorney (to do something for one) |
全優の学生 | straight A student |
全アジア会議 | Pan-Asiatic Conference |
全自動 | totally automatic |
完全燃焼 | perfect combustion |
完全犯罪 | perfect crime |
全国紙 | national paper, paper with a national circulation |
領土保全 | maintenance of territorial integrity |
安全基準 | safety standards |
全高 | overall height, distance from the ground to the highest point of an object |
全問 | all the questions (in exam) |
全日本 | All-Japan |
全休 | absence during a complete tournament |
安全ガラス | safety glass |
安全ピン | safety pin |
安全衛生教育 | safety education |
安全係数 | safety factor |
安全剃刀 | safety razor |
安全標識 | safety mark |
安全帽 | safety helmet, crash helmet, hard hat |
冠不全 | coronary insufficiency |
完全数 | perfect number |
環境保全 | environmental conservation |
安全保障会議 | Security Council of Japan |
全銀システム | interbank payments system |
うっ血性心不全 | congestive heart failure, CHF |
肝不全 | liver failure |
原子力安全委員会 | Nuclear Safety Commission |
呼吸不全 | respiratory failure |
後天性免疫不全症候群 | acquired immune deficiency syndrome, AIDS |
自己免疫不全 | autoimmune disorder |
性機能不全 | sexual dysfunction |
全二重通信 | full duplex transmission, full duplex communication |
全面核戦争 | all-out nuclear war |
地域安全保障 | regional security |
全面安 | across-the-board fall in prices |
安全圏 | safety zone, buffer (e.g. against defeat) |
原子力安全・保安院 原子力安全保安院 | Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, NISA |
一挙両全 | killing two birds with one stone, serving two ends |
家内安全 | peace and prosperity in the household |
自己保全 | self-protection, self-preservation |
全員一致 | unanimity |
全員無事 | Everyone is safe (all right) |
全面対決 | all-out (frontal, total) confrontation |
全面撤退 | total (full-scale) withdrawal, complete pullout (pullback) |
全面否定 | total denial, complete denial, denying totally (flatly, outright) |
全力投球 | giving (it) everything one has got, going full-out, throwing a ball as hard as one can |
食料安全 | food safety |
全国総合開発計画 | Comprehensive National Development Plan (1962-) |
全総 | Comprehensive National Development Plan (1962-) |
安全日 | safe day (one on which conception is unlikely to occur) |
全英オープン | All-England Open |
全豪オープン | All-Australian Open |
安全牌 | no-risk choice, easily handled person |