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素 : Elementary
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elementary, principle, naked, uncovered
Strokes: | 10 |
Radical: | 糸 (120) |
Usage Rating: | 660 |
Unicode: | 07d20 |
jis208: | 33-39 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
素 Usage examples
炭素化合物 | carbon compounds |
素拍子 | tempo in gagaku |
素反応 | elementary reaction |
素因数 | prime factor |
素泊り 素泊まり | staying overnight without meals |
氏素性 氏素姓 | lineage |
一要素 | one element, one factor |
苦味素 | bitter principle |
高炭素鋼 | high-carbon steel |
尸位素餐 | neglecting the duties of an office while taking pay |
緇素 | priests and laymen |
次酸化炭素 | carbon suboxide |
素行が修まらない | dissolute, conducting oneself loosely |
素体 | prime field |
平素は | usually, ordinarily, in the past |
励振素子 | driven element (antenna) |
素っぴん | sobriety |
下位範疇化素性 | subcategorization feature, subcategorisation feature |
構成素構造 | constituent structure |
構成素統御 | constituent command |
主辞素性規約 | head feature convention, HFC |
主辞素性原理 | head feature principle, HFP |
素出力条件 | bare output conditions |
素性構造 | feature structure |
足素性原理 | foot feature convention, FFP |
弁別素性 | distinctive feature |
亜酸化窒素 | nitrous oxide (N2O) |
圧縮酸素 | compressed oxygen |
素人筋 | lay public |
素人芝居 | amateur theatricals, amateur dramatic performance |
窒素酸化物 | nitrogen oxide |
二酸化窒素 | nitrogen dioxide |
素案 | draft, draught |
アポ酵素 | apoenzyme |
ガリウム砒素半導体 ガリウムひ素半導体 | gallium arsenide semiconductor |
シアン化水素 | hydrogen cyanide |
ジョセフソン素子 | Josephson device |
タール色素 | tar dye |
ハロゲン族元素 | halogen family elements |
フラビン酵素 | flavin enzyme, flavoenzyme |
亜硫酸水素ナトリウム | sodium hydrogen sulfite |
異常血色素症 | hemoglobinopathy |
一酸化窒素 | nitric monoxide |
一酸化二窒素 | dinitrogen oxide |
演算素子 | logic element |
塩素ガス中毒 | chloride gas poisoning |
塩素酸カリウム | potassium chlorate |
塩素酸ナトリウム | sodium chlorate |
塩素水 | chlorine water |
塩素爆鳴気 | chlorine detonating gas |
化学的酸素要求量 | chemical oxygen demand, COD |
加水分解酵素 | hydrolytic enzyme |
回路素子 | circuit element |
環式炭化水素 | cyclic hydrocarbon |
水素スタンド | hydrogen-filling station |
炭素クレジット | carbon credit |
二酸化炭素削減義務 | carbon dioxide reducing obligation |