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双 : Pair
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pair, set, comparison, counter for pairs
ふた たぐい ならぶ ふたつ
Strokes: | 4 |
Radical: | 又 (29) |
Usage Rating: | 1029 |
Unicode: | 053cc |
jis208: | 33-48 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
双 Usage examples
双の手 | both hands |
国士無双 | thirteen orphans, winning hand containing one of each terminal and honor tile plus one extra copy of any of them |
シャム双生児 | Siamese twins |
結合双生児 | conjoined twins |
双極性障害 | bipolar disorder |
双方向テレビ | interactive television |
双方向番組 | interactive program, interactive programme |
双方向 | two-way, bidirectional, interactive |
双差し | deep double underarm grip which prevents the opponent from grabbing the belt |
海内無双 | unparalleled in the whole country |
古今無双 | unparalleled in history |
無双仕立 無双仕立て | making a piece of clothing with the same cloth inside and out, making a kimono with lining of the same fabric |
怪力無双 | (a person of) unrivaled physical strength |
国色無双 | (a woman of) unparalleled beauty |
忠勇無双 | of peerless loyalty and bravery |
当代無双 | being unsurpassed (unparalleled) at present |
労使双方 | both labor and management, both the workers and the employers |
栴檀は双葉より芳しい | genius shows from childhood, the Japanese bead tree is fragrant from when a sprout |
無双直伝英信流 | Muso Jikiden Eishin-ryu (iaido style) |
双鉤法 | in calligraphy, a style of holding the brush between the thumb and the index and middle fingers |
外無双 | outer-thigh-propping twist down |
内無双 | inner-thigh-propping twist down |
双線形 双線型 | bilinear |
双児 | twins |