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層 : Stratum
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stratum, social class, layer, story, floor
Strokes: | 14 |
Radical: | 尸 (44) |
Usage Rating: | 801 |
Unicode: | 05c64 |
jis208: | 33-56 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
層 Usage examples
層相 | facies |
一層目 | first layer |
岩層 | rock formation |
高層ビル | skyscraper |
高木層 | overstory (overstorey), canopy layer, tree stratum |
社会層 | stratum of society |
重層的 | stratified, multilayered |
石炭の層 | coal seam, coal bed |
層群 | (geol) group |
知識層 | the intellectual class |
斜格性の階層 | obliqueness hierarchy |
表層構造 | surface structure |
表層の語順 | surface order |
逆転層 | inversion layer |
深層心理学 | depth psychology |
断層写真 | tomogram, tomograph |
絹層雲 巻層雲 | cirrostratus, cirrostratus cloud |
積層 | laminating, lamination layer |
コルク形成層 | cork cambium |
トランスフォーム断層 | transform fault |
海成層 | marine deposit |
角質層 | stratum corneum, horny layer, cornified layer |
オゾン層 | ozone layer |
コンピュータ断層撮影 | computer tomography, CT |
無党派層 | unaffiliated voters, floating voters, swinging voters |
陽電子放射断層撮影 | positron emission tomography, PET |
薬九層倍 | "There is a huge markup in medicines." |
深層心理 | deep psyche, unconscious mind, depth psychology |
層別 | stratification, classification, (data) distribution |
層化 | sheafification, stratification |
空乏層 | depletion layer (of transistor) |
支持層 | base support (e.g. for a party in an election), substrate, load bearing layer, supporting layer |
単層 | monolayer, single layer, single story (storey) |
若年層 | the young |
断層像 | tomographic image |
各界各層 | in every area and on every level |
重層信仰 | syncretism |
古層 | layers of history |