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早 : Early
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early, fast
はや.い はや はや- はや.まる はや.める さ-
さか さわ そ わ
Strokes: | 6 |
Radical: | 日 (72) |
Usage Rating: | 402 |
Unicode: | 065e9 |
jis208: | 33-65 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
早 Usage examples
早乙女 早少女 | young female rice planter, young girl |
早口言葉 | tongue twister |
早天 | early morning, dawn |
早分かり 早わかり | handbook, guidebook, easy to understand |
早手回し | early preparations |
早出 | early arrival |
早生まれ | born between January 1st and April 1st |
早生児 | premature baby |
早仕舞い | early closing |
早死に | premature death, untimely death, dying young |
早老 | premature aging, premature ageing |
早呑み込み | (drawing) hasty conclusions |
早見表 | simplified chart |
早苗 | rice seedlings |
早発性痴呆症 | schizophrenia |
早変わり 早替わり 早変り 早替り | quick change |
早教育 | early education |
早馬 | fast horse |
早婚 | early marriage, marrying young |
早産児 | premature baby |
早場米 | rice from an early harvest, early rice |
早期診断 | early diagnosis |
早期警戒機 | airborne early-warning system, AWACS |
早番 | early arrival |
早道 | shortcut |
早飯 | early meal |
早鐘 | alarm bell |
悟りが早い 覚りが早い | being quick to understand |
乾きの早い | fast drying (clothes) |
期日を早める | to advance the date (of) |
早慶戦 | Waseda-Keio (baseball) game |
早春賦 | Ode to Early Spring |
早朝の着 | early-morning arrival |
早東戦 | (baseball) game between Waseda and Tokyo universities |
早明戦 | Waseda-Meiji (baseball) game |
早いこと 早い事 | quickly |
早いとこ 早いところ 早い所 | promptly, quickly |
早指しチェス | speed chess, blitz chess |
沸きが早い | quick to warm up (e.g. of a kettle) |
早期発見 | early detection (of an illness) |
早くも | already, as early as |
早指し | quick game of shogi |
早 | already, now, by this time |
早期退職 | early retirement |
早期退職制度 | early retirement program, early retirement programme |
早くから | early on, earlier on, from early |
早割 | discount for early booking |