白装束 | white clothing |
変速装置 | gearbox |
礼装 | formal dress |
装い | dress, outfit, equipment, makeup, adornment, guise, get-up |
口装 | muzzle loading gun |
装荷 | loading |
装甲部隊 | armored corps, armoured corps |
包装紙 | wrapping paper |
旅装を調える | to prepare for a journey |
陸上端局装置 | land terminal equipment (of a submarine cable) |
暗視装置 | night vision device |
花嫁衣装 | bridal costume, wedding dress |
感知装置 | smoke or heat sensor or detector |
駆動装置 | running gear |
再生装置 | playback equipment |
実験装置 | experimental device, experimental equipment |
受信装置 | receiver, receiving set, receiving apparatus (equipment) |
浄化装置 | purifier |
生命維持装置 | life-support system |
測定装置 | measuring device |
通信装置 | communications equipment, terminal, communications device |
電気装置 | electrical device, electrical equipment |
非武装地帯 | demilitarized zone, demilitarised zone |
民族衣装 | national costume, (in) native dress |
扮装 | make-up, get-up, disguise, costume |
ハイファイ装置 | hi-fi equipment |
リンク装置 | linkage |
衣装合わせ 衣装合せ | dress coordination, costume coordination, fitting session, costume fitting |
衣装箪笥 | wardrobe |
衣装方 | dresser |
演算装置 | arithmetic unit |
音声入力装置 | voice input unit |
緊急炉心冷却装置 | emergency core cooling system, ECCS |
左心補助循環装置 | left ventricular assist device, LVAD |
磁気共鳴診断装置 | magnetic resonance imaging scanner, MRI scanner |
武装勢力 | armed group, armed insurgents |
衣装道楽 | love of fine clothing, weakness for fine clothes, being extravagant in clothing |
偽装工作 | diversionary tactics (maneuvering), disguise, hide by camouflage |
偽装難民 | fake (phony) refugee, illegal migrant disguised as a refugee |
理論武装 | being prepared for a theoretical (ideological) argument, being armed with theoretical backing |
馬子にも衣装 | anybody can look good with the right clothes, clothes make the man, fine feathers make fine birds, clothes on a packhorse driver |
大型装置科学 | big science (particle accelerators, space telescopes, etc.) |
電源装置 | power supply (device) |
文字装飾 | text decoration (e.g. character and font effects, underline, etc.) |
架装 | customization (of a car), factory option |
服装規定 | dress code |
フル装備 | fully equipped (particularly with reference to cars) |
装う | to serve, to dish up, to prepare |
紳士用装身具商人 | haberdasher |
発火装置 | incendiary device |
武装組織 | armed organization |