振替輸送 | transfer (of passengers or freight) |
立体放送 | stereophonic broadcast |
送り付ける 送りつける | to send |
送料共 | including postage |
放送網 | broadcasting network |
妨害放送 | radio jamming |
搬送周波数 | carrier frequency |
貨物輸送 | freight traffic (transportation), freightage, shipment |
海上輸送路 | marine transportation routes |
護送船団 | (armed) convoy |
場内放送 | (announcement over) the public address system (e.g. in stadium) |
深夜放送 | late-night (all-night) broadcasting |
送付先 | addressee |
短波放送 | short-wave broadcasting |
長距離輸送 | long-distance transportation (transport, haulage) |
鉄道輸送 | rail transport (transportation, transit), transport by rail |
転送先 | forwarding address |
道路輸送 | road transport |
放送禁止用語 | banned word, word which is not allowed to be used on the air (on the TV or radio) |
放送時間 | time (for a program, programme), broadcasting hours, air time |
放送番組 | broadcast program, broadcast programme |
輸送機関 | (means of) transport |
輸送力 | carrying power, transportation (carrying) capacity |
ステレオ放送 | stereo broadcasting |
ピギーバック輸送 | piggyback system |
ピストン輸送 | shuttle |
公衆送信権 | public transmission rights (e.g. putting copyrightable material on the WWW or an FTP server) |
同送 | shipped together, sent at the same time |
インターネット放送 | Webcast, Internet broadcast |
データ転送速度 | data-transfer rate |
衛星テレビ放送 | satellite television |
下り伝送速度 | downstream transmission speed |
地上波放送 | terrestrial broadcasting |
転送速度 | transfer speed, transfer rate |
電信送金 | wire transfer |
同時放送 | simulcast |
放送権 | broadcasting rights |
放送免許 | broadcast license, broadcast licence |
送り足 | stepping out of the ring while carrying the opponent over the edge, not considered as a loss |
悪送球 | throwing error |
暗送秋波 | giving an amorous sidelong look, casting an amorous glance (at), playing up to someone behind the scenes |
身柄送検 | committing a suspect to trial |
送り人 | sender, remitter, consignor |
輸送艦艇 | military transport vessel |
熊送り 熊送 | Ainu brown bear sacrificial ceremony |
送像 | transmission |
宅送 | home delivery |
地上デジタル放送 | terrestrial digital broadcasting |
デジタル放送 | digital broadcasting |
地上デジタルテレビ放送 | terrestrial digital television broadcasting |
地上デジタルラジオ放送 | terrestrial digital radio broadcasting |
救急搬送 | emergency transport, ambulance transport |
送り吊り出し | rear lift out |
送り倒し | rear push down |
送り投げ | rear throw down |
送り掛け | rear leg trip |
送り引き落とし | rear pull down |