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騒 : Boisterous
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boisterous, make noise, clamor, disturb, excite
さわ.ぐ うれい さわ.がしい
Strokes: | 18 |
Radical: | 馬 (187) |
Usage Rating: | 1069 |
Unicode: | 09a12 |
jis208: | 33-91 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
騒 Usage examples
騒人 | poet |
騒乱罪 | crime of rioting |
騒擾 | riot, disturbance |
騒擾罪 | (the crime of) rioting |
立ち騒ぐ | to make a din |
騒音防止法 | Noise Abatement Act |
騒音レベル | noise level |
騒音公害 | noise pollution |
騒乱状態 | state of rebellion |
どんちゃん騒ぎ | merrymaking, high jinks, spree |
物議騒然 | tumultuous public discussion, noisy public criticism |
満場騒然 | the whole house (assembly, audience) being in uproar |
上を下への大騒ぎ | to be in a state of confusion |
ひと騒動 一騒動 | disturbance, kerfuffle |