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則 : Rule
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rule, follow, based on, model after
Strokes: | 9 |
Radical: | 刂 (18) |
Usage Rating: | 753 |
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則 Usage examples
規則で縛る | to restrict (a person) by rule |
規則を守る | to abide (by the rules), to keep to the regulations |
矩則 | standard, rule |
かき混ぜ規則 | scrambling |
句構造規則 | phrase structure rule |
語彙規則 | lexical rule |
超規則 | metarule |
文法規則 | grammar rule |
変形規則 | transformational rule |
規則違反 | breach of the rules |
施行規則 | enforcement regulations, misterial ordinance, regulations relative to the application of a law |
反則金 | fine |
四則 | four (fundamental) rules of arithmetic |
エネルギー保存の法則 | law of conservation of energy |
フルコスト原則 | full-cost principle |
右螺子の法則 | corkscrew rule |
運動の法則 | laws of motion |
運動量保存の法則 | law of conservation of momentum |
汚染者負担原則 | Polluter Pays Principle, PPP |
価値法則 | law of value |
快楽原則 | pleasure principle (psychology) |
慣性の法則 | law of inertia |
企業会計原則 | corporate accounting principles |
四則演算 | four arithmetic operations, basic arithmetic operations |
爆発物取締罰則 | Criminal Regulations to Control Explosives |
規則通り 規則どおり | by the rules |
基本原則 | fundamental principle, basic principle, general principle |
規則性 | regularity |
会期不継続の原則 | principle holding that any matters left unresolved at the end of one Diet session are not to be carried over to the next |
事情変更の原則 | clausula rebus sic stantibus (legal principle that agreements become non-binding if there is a major, unforeseeable change of circumstances) |
規則動詞 | regular verb |