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族 : Tribe
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Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 方 (70) |
Usage Rating: | 393 |
Unicode: | 065cf |
jis208: | 34-18 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
族 Usage examples
関数族 | family of functions |
深夜族 | the night owls |
族滅 | putting an entire family to death |
団地族 | housing project dwellers |
猫族 | Felis, genus containing the domestic cat |
白金族 | platinum group |
ローラー族 | people devoted to inline rollerskating |
家族意識 | sense of family |
家族会議 | family council |
家族構成 | family structure |
親族関係 | kinship |
大和民族 | Yamato race |
文教族 | Diet members with a special interest in education |
傍系血族 | collateral relation by blood |
民族衣装 | national costume, (in) native dress |
異民族 | different race, different ethnic group, different peoples |
インドヨーロッパ語族 | Indo-European languages |
オーストロアジア語族 アウストロアジア語族 | Austro-Asiatic languages |
オーストロネシア語族 アウストロネシア語族 | Austronesian languages |
アステカ族 | Aztec |
アフリカ民族会議 | African National Congress, ANC |
インドシナ語族 | Indo-Chinese (family of languages) |
ハロゲン族元素 | halogen family elements |
マオリ族 | Maori |
遺族補償 | compensation to the bereaved family |
家族療法 | family therapy |
多民族国家 | multiracial nation, multiethnic country |
多民族 | multiracial, multiethnic |
家族別総当り | rule prohibiting match-ups between wrestlers from the same family |
家族主義 | familism, the treatment of society (an organization) as a family |
家族団らん 家族団欒 | happy family circle, sitting in a family circle and enjoying conversation, harmony in a family |
留守家族 | family members left at home |
小家族化 | shrinking family (size) |
患者家族 | patient and relatives |
民族独立 | tribal independence |
民族浄化 | ethnic cleansing |
家族同然 | (like a) part of the family |
士族の商法 | amateurish and haughty way of doing business, venturing into an unfamiliar line of business (and often failing) |
一家族 | a (one) family |
家族性 | familial |
皇族費 | allowance allotted to the Imperial family |
民族分布 | ethnic distribution, tribal distribution |
民族集団 | ethnic group |
民族紛争 | ethnic conflict |
族議員 | influential members of parliament acting for the benefit of the private industries to which they are connected |
家族旅行 | family vacation, family trip |
民族差別 | ethnic discrimination |