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煙 : Smoke
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けむ.る けむり けむ.い
Strokes: | 13 |
Radical: | 灬 (86) |
Usage Rating: | 1290 |
Unicode: | 07159 |
jis208: | 17-76 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
煙 Usage examples
雲煙 | clouds and smoke, landscape |
嫌煙権 | right for nonsmokers to not be exposed to smoking in public space |
煙草銭 | tobacco money |
一条の煙 | a wisp of smoke |
煙突掃除夫 煙突掃除扶 | chimney sweeper (cleaner) |
煙突の笠 | chimney cap |
薫煙 | fragrant smoke, aromatic smoke |
煙になる | to go up in smoke, to burn down, to be cremated, to vanish into thin air |
煙を吐く | to emit smoke |
煙草を吸う | to smoke a cigarette |
煙草を止める 煙草をやめる | to give up smoking |
喫煙所 | smoking area (corner) |
禁煙席 | non-smoking section |
嫌煙運動 | anti-smoking campaign |
無煙火薬 | smokeless (gun)powder |
葉煙草 | leaf tobacco |
煙感知器 | smoke detector |
噛み煙草 噛煙草 | chewing tobacco |
嫌煙活動家 | antismoking activist |
濃煙 | thick smoke |
雲煙万里 | limitless expanse of clouds and smoke |
硝煙弾雨 | smoke of powder and hail of bullets, (in) the thick of the raging battle |
紙巻煙草 紙巻き煙草 | cigarette |
煙警報器 | smoke alarm, smoke sensor |
副流煙 | (secondary) tobacco smoke |
間接喫煙 | passive smoking, secondhand smoke |
煙突掃除 | chimney sweeping (cleaning) |
雲煙飛動 | magnificent calligraphy, vivid penmanship |
煙幕を張る | to throw up a smoke screen |
煙に巻く | to confuse someone, to befuddle someone, to create a smokescreen |
禁煙区域 | no smoking area |
吸煙器 | smoke filter |