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多 : Many
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many, frequent, much
おお.い まさ.に まさ.る
Strokes: | 6 |
Radical: | 夕 (36) |
Usage Rating: | 139 |
Unicode: | 0591a |
jis208: | 34-31 |
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多 Usage examples
経営多角化 | diversification |
滅多切り 滅多斬り | hacking to pieces |
滅多矢鱈 | reckless, indiscriminate |
滅多打ち | showering with blows |
多羅波蟹 | red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) |
正多面体 | regular polyhedron |
多とする | to appreciate, to be thankful |
多く | many, much, largely, abundantly, mostly |
畏れ多くも | graciously |
我楽多市 | rummage sale |
口が多い | having a large family to support, having too many mouths to feed, garrulous, voluble |
衆多 | multitude, great numbers |
多音節 | polysyllable |
多価 | polyvalence, multivalence |
多角形の辺 | side of a polygon |
多極化 | multipolarization, multipolarisation |
多肢選択式 | multiple-choice |
多条カム | multigrooved cam |
多段式ロケット | multistage rocket |
滅多に見られない | rarely seen, uncommon |
情報量が多い | having high information content, informative |
供給過多 | excessive supply, oversupply |
多義性 | ambiguity (of a word), polysemy |
多国籍軍 | multinational force |
多重人格 | multiple personality, split personality |
多数意見 | majority opinion |
多数党 | majority party |
多面性 | various facets (aspects) |
多め 多目 | somewhat larger quantity, larger portion |
多言語 | multilingual |
ムコ多糖類 | mucopolysaccharide |
亜熱帯多雨林 | subtropical rain forest |
滑多鰈 | slime flounder (Microstomus achne) |
我楽多 瓦落多 | junk, rubbish, trash, garbage, odds and ends |
遺伝子多型 | polymorphisms |
多かれ少なかれ | to a greater or lesser extent (degree), more or less |
多国間 | multilateral, multinational |
多国間協議 | multilateral conference, multilateral negotiations |
安定多数 | stable majority |
多嚢胞性卵巣症候群 | polycystic-ovary syndrome |
多発性硬化症 | multiple sclerosis, MS |
反復過多損傷 | repetitive-strain injury, RSI |
符号分割多元接続 | code division multiple access, CDMA |
数多い | many, a multiplicity of |
多筒 | multiple barrels, multi-barrel |
多筒式 | multiple barrel model, multi-barrel model |
多者間 | multilateral, multi-party |
多民族国家 | multiracial nation, multiethnic country |
多民族 | multiracial, multiethnic |
広範多岐 | extensive and wide-ranging |