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体 : Body
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body, substance, object, reality, counter for images
Strokes: | 7 |
Radical: | 人 (9) |
Usage Rating: | 88 |
Unicode: | 04f53 |
jis208: | 34-46 |
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体 Usage examples
性染色体 | sex chromosome |
経済体制 | economic system |
天体写真 | photograph of an astral body |
天体望遠鏡 | astronomical telescope |
天体観測 | astronomical observation |
異体同心 | being of one mind, acting in one accord, behaving in perfect harmony |
流動体 | liquid, fluid |
立体写真 | stereograph |
立体交差 | multi-level crossing |
立体的 | three-dimensional |
立体放送 | stereophonic broadcast |
立体映画 | three-dimensional movie, 3-D movie |
立体音響 | stereophonic sound |
立体裁断 | draping |
立体幾何学 | solid geometry |
立体戦 | three-dimensional warfare |
立体鏡 | stereoscope |
立憲君主政体 立憲君主制体 | constitutional monarchy |
葉緑体 | chloroplast |
老体 | old body, aged person |
軟体動物 | mollusc, mollusk |
染色体 | chromosome |
染色体地図 | chromosome map |
染色体異常 | chromosomal abnormality |
正多面体 | regular polyhedron |
体勢 | posture, stance |
混然一体となる 渾然一体となる | to form a complete whole, to be joined together |
各団体 | each group |
体が強い | in good health, having a strong constitution |
体が休まる | to be (feel) rested |
体づくり 体作り 体造り | physical culture, bodybuilding (body development, not necessarily weightlifting) |
体によく合う 体に良く合う | to fit well (e.g. clothes) |
体を反らす | to bend oneself backward |
体を伸ばす | to stretch (unbend) oneself |
行体 | semicursive characters |
具体案 | concrete proposal |
現体制 | the present regime, the existing regime |
さあらぬ体で 然有らぬ体で | with a nonchalant air |
七面体 | heptahedron |
脂肪体 | corpus adiposum |
締まった体格 | firm build, well-knit frame |
職人体の男 | man dressed like an artisan, man of workmanlike appearance |
実数体 | real number field |
組織体 | organizational entity, organisational entity, body |
素体 | prime field |
体重が増える | to gain weight |
体を成す | to take form (shape) |
団体を組む | to form an organization, to form an organisation |
中止の体 | state of standstill |
仏像二体 | two images of Buddha |
明朝体 | Ming-style typeface, Mincho |
単位体積重量 | unit weight |
体系文法 | systemic grammar |
イソ体 | isomer |